Right way to start freelancing in 2021?

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 3, 2021


Best Way to start freelancing?

Every single day without fail we get the question. How can I start freelancing and then in order to start freelancing we are discouraging you to enroll to create and rise. But that shouldn’t be an excuse not to enroll in a very specific course should not be an excuse.

Why you cannot start freelancing journey?

Freelancing can create your ultimate freedom and autonomy in your life. So there are so many resources over the internet including that can help you with your freelancing career.  

If you are a freelancer it’s a skill-based business. That means you go out there as a self-employed person trying to offer a very specific skill or service to a person.

Best Skills to start Freelancing in 2021:

  • Video editing

The 21st century is the age of the internet and technology. There are so many things and so many opportunities on the internet.

Start Freelancing

Start choosing these three very easy skills:

Virtual assistant:-

You can start freelancing as a Virtual assistant that means you are going out there as a secretary an online. Secretary of a business owner or someone that is busy right. You just got be able to learn a couple of software’s not instantly.

You can go out and tell a client that hey I don’t really have any experience with this. But you can pay me a very little amount and I can learn stuff for you. I can do things for you.

Virtual assistants meaning you run errands for a person anything online.

  • You might be typing their emails
  • You might be answering their calls

Customer service:-

You can start freelancing as a customer service representative there are a lot of people out their online entrepreneurs that need people answering their emails calls text messages 24/7. That’s one thing that you can do and no you don’t need to apply to any type of agency or company.

You just really have to find a client that is looking for a customer service person. For this prospect, you can either use any social media platform e.g LinkedIn, Facebook.

Social media management:-

You can either start freelancing with social media management accounts of individuals or agencies. In this sector people are quite busy person cannot anymore prepare content for his or her social media platforms. But he or she still needs to do it because that’s the way they get clients. So you can handle those social media platforms for that every person.

Choose your ideal client avatar:-

What is ideal client avatar?

Ideal client avatar meaning this is the very specific person that we wish to serve period. So who is this person that you want to serve? If you are an online service provider the thing that you need to think about is how you can stand out from the competition?

If you are offering some sort of value that is unique and it becomes very specific with the service then you automatically stand out from the competition. Most often saw that the person who has a unique skill gets a chance to win a client in a short time.

Compile samples of your work and testimonials:-

When you are talking to get new clients the very first thing they are going to ask you show a couple of samples of your work sample and past testimonials.

If you are a legit service provider and build a massive portfolio then it may get you a chance to win-win. If you cannot share or show any samples of your written testimonials then 70% chance that your client ignores and check another proposal that builds a massive portfolio and have a better experience with good testimonials.

Start marketing:-

The last and final step of starting your freelancing career is to Start marketing. This is one of the best things that a lot of people don’t really do effectively.

Start marketing yourself by joining free social media groups and promote yourself. You can either run a paid campaign if you’ve enough budget to advertise yourself. If you’re planning to start a freelancing agency then a Facebook campaign is the best solution to advertise and grab the audience from social media platforms.

That’s all about starting freelancing. If you’ve any questions or suggestions feel free to comment below or contact us.

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